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 ‘The objects we touch and transform have a lifecycle as much as we do.

Though some objects are transient, others outlast us and stand witness to past human lives' 

                                                                                                                                                            Hurcombe, L (2007)


My work focuses particularly upon borrowing and abstracting meaning and significance from ancient domestic and ritual objects in order to create powerful contemporary indicators, future relics, and significators.   I probe the past and respond to ancient objects. 


I am a craft practitioner specialising in hand built ceramics, printed textile and mixed media, exhibiting both nationally and internationally. As an educator, I facilitated creative learning for more than 20 years, first teaching Ceramics at Falmouth University and then as Course Leader on the BA (Hons) Contemporary Design Crafts & Jewellery Design degree courses at Hereford College of Arts. In the meantime, I have been able to further develop my research profile in addition to making, publishing & exhibiting. 


I have works in private and public collections and have attended ceramics symposia in Hungary at the International Ceramics Centre, and in Latvia at the Academy of Arts. I sell predominantly through commission and have works in private and public collections at the Hungarian Museum of Contemporary Ceramics, The National Porcelain Museum and Art Academy in Latvia, Yorkshire Craft Centre and various museums and galleries in Cornwall. 


Over the years I have run a variety of workshops for children and adults in addition several inset training days for teachers. Encouraging interaction with local schools, educators and students for the long-term benefit of crafts within education, I developed workshops for local teachers in order to reintroduce lost skills in clay working and to reanimate redundant ceramics facilities. 


I have travelled throughout Indonesia and Asia, Europe and Eastern Europe examining live crafts, in particular traditional weaving and pottery production. Visiting museum collections and examining tools, weapons and Bronze Age artefacts from many cultures has further fuelled my fascination for this ‘cross fertilisation’ between types of materials and the root of any shared influence for both design and decoration.


My private passion and inspiration is scuba diving. I love to be in the blue silence supported and surrounded by ocean. As an advanced diver qualified to reach depths of 30+metres, I have experienced some unforgettably euphoric moments both in the silent company of some of the great pelagic inhabitants such as shark and giant Manta and the Pigmy Seahorse, barely bigger than a grain of rice.



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